ICCTA Trustee Education Award
2005 Recipients
First-time Recipients
Dr. Joan DiLeonardi Oakton Community College
Dr. Robert Ehrich Illinois Central College
Richard Gillette William Rainey Harper College
David Harby Danville Area Community College
George Lowe McHenry County College
Dr. John O'Keefe John A. Logan College
Two-time Recipients
Cindy Brand Heartland Community College
John Duffy Elgin Community College
Rev. Wayne Dunning Richland Community College
Ken Joseph Southwestern Illinois College
Ed Ledvina Morton College
Jerry Wright Illinois Central
Three-time Recipients
Jim Beasley Kaskaskia College
Marvin Scott Rend Lake College
Four-time Recipient
Linden Warfel Parkland College
Five-time Recipient*
Dr. Wayne Green Carl Sandburg College
* Dr. Wayne Green is the first Illinois trustee to earn 5 Trustee Education Awards