Become an ICCTA Lifetime Member today!

The ICCTA Lifetime Membership program provides a prime opportunity for an Illinois community college to honor its current and retiring board members for their service and contributions to the community college movement.

New Lifetime Members are introduced at the association’s Annual Convention and receive the following benefits:

  • Copies of ICCTA’s membership & legislative directories
  • Special "member" rates for ICCTA seminars and products
  • Free subscription to ICCTA’s Action Alerts and e-mail updates
  • Listing in the annual ICCTA Membership Directory
  • Acknowledgment on ICCTA’s web site
  • Members-only access to ICCTA library and Quick Survey research

Upon retiring from community college board service, a Lifetime Member will receive complimentary registration to ICCTA's annual convention and awards banquet.

Lifetime Members do not hold voting privileges in ICCTA but are welcome to attend the association’s board and committee meetings.

The cost of an ICCTA Lifetime Membership is $500, which may be paid in $100 installments over five years. Trustees who have previously held Associate Membership in ICCTA will be given a $100 credit for each year of paid Associate Membership.

Click here to apply for ICCTA Lifetime Membership 

ICCTA Lifetime Members

Dorothy W. Beck
Black Hawk College

Dr. Kay Bennett
Southwestern Illinois College

Tim Black
Black Hawk College

David L. Emerick, Jr.
Black Hawk College

Dr. Phyllis Folarin
Elgin Community College

Donna M. Frye
Black Hawk College

Kris Howard
William Rainey Harper College

Jon Looney

Black Hawk College

Jim McFarland
Joliet Junior College

Eleanor McKinney
Elgin Community College

Dr. John O'Keefe
John A. Logan College

Barbara D. Oilschlager
College of Lake County

Evelyn Phillips
Black Hawk College

Richard Roehrkasse

Southwestern Illinois College

Steve Spivey
Black Hawk College

Jerry Wright
Illinois Central College